1) Update from Steering Committee
- Lease/MoU with City of Melville
- Handover date of premises / status of equipment needs
- Collaboration with Bunnings Melville
- Financial Report
- Membership numbers
2) Shed design and layout session
- input from Michael M from Cockburn Community Mens Shed
- Members input, ideas and equipment
3) Nomination forms for Management Committee - for AGM
4) Feedback from recent Conference held by Men's Shed of WA ( + giveaways)
5) Open session for member's Q&A
6) Other Business
- upcoming events and involvement ( Bunnings, Rotary Markets)
- MCMS logo design competition
NOTES taken during meeting (SRK)
Agenda Items
Item 1) Update from Steering Committee
- Lease/MoU with City of Melville - up to V4 of MoU/ Lease
- Handover date of premises to CoM is 15/12/21 now- at the earliest!!
- this delays MCMS occupancy to perhaps March 2022
- status of equipment needs - BW is continuing to collect/ purchase eqipments as it becomes available/ on special sale
- Collaboration with Bunnings Melville -meeting held 5/12/21 - getting Power Pass = discounts. - BW is buying a planer
- Financial Report - BW advised of current balance and 5 grants that MCMS can apply for.
- 45 financial members
Item 2) Shed design and layout session
Mike Manning - Cockburn Shed:
- Men’s Sheds are for Men’s Health - NEVER FORGER THIS !!
- Consider a paid Shed Coordinator?? A grant
- Try Carbide tools for saw blade
- size of CCMS is about 400 sqm
- office room 80
- Hand tool room. 150
- Power tool room. 150
- Metal work room.
- with ~ 80 m mezzanine level unused. (** THEY NEED A LIFT!! Installed)
- Dust extraction systems - 2 x external , 4 x internal
- MCMS will need a good external dust extraction system.
- Don’t use PVC piping for extraction system - clogging - must use metal.
** MCMS to visit Cockburn CMS. !!!!
- main wood shop ** need marked out clearway - painted yellow etc
- All power points are 15 A - MCMS to check our shed during energy audit.
- Richard Vernon ( Vernon Enterprises) isa good resource wrt building design
- CCMS made a Mobility work bench - varying heights - built by CCMS from a hospital bed frame
- its has fixd power tools, vice, etc
Bruce Wright advised that MCMS has costs associated with occupancy:
- Energy audit
- Building certificate
Item 3) Nomination forms for Management Committee - for AGM
- several more were handed out - with some being given to Returning Officer (GF) ready for AGM
Item 4) Feedback from recent Conference held by Men's Shed of WA (S Klyen)
- was held on 5/6 November – at Stirling Adriatic Centre
– 6 best ideas:
Go for the money – there are a lot of Grants available
Be an INCLUSIVE Shed – make inclusivity a value.
Use the resources of MS WA – people, procedures
Have a solid Induction/ Introduction for members
Design logos/ shirts/ banners for marketing MCMS
Ask suppliers/ others “How can you help us?”
- Conference agenda, notes made, photos, items etc. available from SK.
- MS of WA to post slide presentations and other information on web
Item 5) Open session for members' Q&As
- Can MCMS members use Cockburn CMS facilities in interim? - Mike M to advise
- are the size of access doors at Hayden Close big enough for equipment install et. = $
- request for storage space for new equpments till Shed open (DW can assist) - ASK MEMBERS
- What asset management process will be in place?
- brand of cordless tools (tbc)
- insurance
- Ben Morton has free community room for meetings
- memo wrt Storage space - 15-20 sqm (SK to email members)
- Add Management Committee Position Descriptions Manual to MCMS Web (SK)
6) Other Business
Upcoming events and involvement
a) Thursday 9 December – Bunnings Market night (6-9pm)
Gazebo from DW ( Bunning to supply tables and chairs)
BW has had a large MCMS poster printed at Office works
MSWA Banners from JA
take alongmembership forms to hand out (SK, RW, DW)
Members/ Interested Contacts Groups to be sent email invites (SK)
b) Sunday morning Rotary Markets - R Willis asked anyone interested in attending the Melville Plaza coin-collection Spinner, on any Sundays allocated to MCMS, to advise via and a roster will be formed R Willis
c) Bunnings sausage sizzled fundraising to be advised
- MCMS logo design competition - members asked to come up with a design and/ or confirm that current interim logo willbe suitable for long term (Member to submit designs/ ideas)
Meeting Closed 12 nn ish :-)
1/12 Hayden Court, Myaree, Western Australia, 6154, Australia